Tasmania makes us irritable. There is an energy here — from the land and from the people — that is unsettled and unsettling. Perhaps it is the convict past, but there is a real air of "I didn't do it" and a sense that just under the surface if you put a few Boags in these folks (or the land) they/it would take you down. Very pleasant on the surface, yet there is a real simmering anger underneath.
Keir nearly tears his hair out every time he tries to find an internet connection. Nearly impossible it seems in this first world country (unless you are in Hobart or Launceston). The infrastructure is half finished (except the roads are first rate!) A bit like the landscape — barren in some places and lush in others.
I can't get my rhythm here. I virtually stopped talking with folks as there is no sense of true conversation. People talk AT you here... and OVER you. They do it to each other too. I've overheard folks having two entirely different conversations with one another - it just doesn't matter to them the whole back and forth of conversing - they'll just talk louder until you stop.
It is not as though the people are unfriendly though. In fact, anyone will strike up talking to you and they'll do it with a smile. They just don't care to hear anything you might have to say — even if it is to ask a further question about what they are saying.
We decided that energy of Tasmania feels odd and rather restless, which led us to talking about the energies of the other lands we've visited and how that contributes to the energies of the people that choose to live there. Here is a brief overview of a few places we've been and the energy we feel from the earth when we are there:
Dominca: A young, vibrant, intense energy buzzing with the possibility of opportunity - yet very centering.
New Zealand: Energetic yet patiently calm and still (quite at odds with its ever shaking lands!). Grounding.
Italy: Old energy here, it seems to be rather indifferent to those who set foot upon its soil - it's seen it all before.
Hawaii: Inspires activity in that it is buzzing with positive life energy. Even amidst its commercialism, one cannot be immune to the powerful energetic thrum of the land.
Spain: It's land is eager, quick fingered, spry and slightly misbehaved - it's like having a crush on the bad boy you know will break your heart!
Switzerland: The mountains, streams, and lakes that make up Switzerland have the air of being a bit haughty, with the "you've come to the party underdressed" eyebrows raised. Yet it is able to do this in, (yes, it's cliched) a very neutral manner.
Paris: The energy here is quietly, yet confidently, graceful (the gal who KNOWS she's good looking, but is not as aloof as one would expect!) mixed with a simmering elegant meticulously executed passion.
Canada: The energy of the land is abundant and peacefully inspired. It is reassuring in its stability.
It appears we really are quite enamored with volcanic places — it makes sense to us though as these places are natural demonstrations of of the earths dynamic energy and we love tapping into that.
All in all though, we are still very happy to have the experience of visiting Tasmania. All these places are helping us figure out who and where we want to be.
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